Monday, January 12, 2009

Birthday Calendar

...My in-laws have a distant relative who calls and congratulates us all on our birthdays, every year, without fail. She always remembers! I really do admire people like that, that are somehow organized enough to keep track of everyones birthday, and also take the time to call....It is really touching! If I have one resolution for the new year, it is to try to be more like that...And, to that end, I have started building a birthday calendar...(And I really do have to get a move on when it comes to finishing it!. Thus far, people born in February and in October stand the greatest chance of receiving an e-mail or phone from me on their birthday..... But I promise I will post pictures of the other months really soon!)

So.....for friends and family who read this, please update me on when your birthday is! :)