Thursday, December 25, 2008


Ahhh! Christmas! I just love watching the kids open their gifts. This year we had some good friends over, and ate a lot of good food.....way too much. I cooked for two days leading up to it, but it was all worth it. I tried making some traditional Norwegian "julemat", so i salted lamb, made rutabago-stew (kålrotstappe), and made a traditional "riskrem" (ricecream directly translated). I think I stirred the rice (cooked in milk) for about three hours, from midnight to 3 am the night before, and then i mixed it with whipped cream. In Norway you buy the "porridge mix" in a bag, and it's done in about 15 minutes, but lacking that here, I did it the old fashioned way. You can also buy the raspberry sauce to go with it in a carton in Norway....I did my own. I mixed a Minute Maid frozen raspberry juice with some potatoe flour, and used only half the water. It actually tastes exactly the same as the "real thing". Delicious! I made a whole lot of other things too....Chocolate pudding with vanilla sauce, a pot roast, rosemary baked potatoes and steamed carrots, yellow split pea soup....Now I don't have to cook a thing for three days I think! :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

From Ålesund and the area around.....

Posted by PicasaI found all these pictures in Sunnmørsposten online, from the area around where I come from in Norway.....Ahhhhhh....They make me TOTALLY homesick....To smell the air from the sea, and to listen to the waves...

noen til....

and more.....

And some more....

The rest of the cards...

Here are some more of the cards that I made for the United Way sale. Since I had to charge a fairly low price for them, and had to make a whole bunch, they are not the most elaborate ones perhaps, but I still enjoyed making them.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

United Way sale

Today was the long-awaited United Way one-of-a-kind art sale at work....And I did sell some cards! I am glad that my frantic efforts these last weeks trying to produce enough cards came into fruition. I was actually still up at 2am this morning taking pictures of the last cards I made...Although these cards were not the most complicated, I still spent time on design and colour, so I thought it sensible to capture it, in case I need to make a last-minute card in the future. Will post a few of them as soon as I've downloaded them from the camera. Although I sold quite a few cards, I am also thrilled to say that I didn't sell them all.....This means that this year my family and friends just might get a card as well...

...and, I don't think I'll make another card for...oh, about a year or so. He-he. Just feel completely carded out! Now I am looking forward to trying out some scrapbooking, and I have a few ideas swirling around in my head for some paintings too. And I have a tons of snippets of songs recorded on my phone ready to be developed into whole pieces....Although it was fun being part of the United Way sale (and it's a good cause too), I must admit it is nice to be free to do what I want again! :-)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Lo and Behold

I DO have wings!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The place to be????

Toronto this evening.....If I had wings......

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

even more....

Stampin'Up! Image this time...


cute magnolia...


another one....

Some cards...

Hoping that this will show up right! Haven't tried posting a picture before.....Let's try :o

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Life and Laptop


Nå har jeg endelig kjøpt meg en laptop....Raude og gilde sak fra Gateway. Så nå skal det bli fart på sakene her! Vi har hatt bare en i hus så langt, og da må jeg stå i kø for å få bruke den, og det er bare mer pes enn det er verdt.

Max har endelig gått med på at vi skal flytte til Norge. I juni, når skolene til ungene er ferdig. HÅÅÅÅPER det endelig skjer da!

Neste helg skal vi ha Thanksgiving fest hjemme. Det er det kjekkeste jeg vet å ha huset fullt, lage mat og styre. Er nok hypersosial....Og det er mye av grunnen til at jeg vil hjem. Det er alltid folk der, alltid noe som foregår. Man slipper å invitere folk der for å få folk på besøk...De bare parkerer utenfor, and the party's on. Og så selvfølgelig at det er mye friere for ungene også. Det at Nathaniel kan ta sykkelen og dra på skolen f.eks. De blir mye mer selvstendige av å ha litt frihet.

Savner Sue, Chris og Lara som flytta til Norge i august....Men forhåpentligvis blir det ikke så lenge til vi treffes igjen....

Skal laste opp noen bilder snart fra det siste "prosjektet"...Å lage masssevis av kort til et United Way "one of a kind art show" som skal avholdest nede i inngangspartiet på kontorbygget i november. Har jo litt tid på meg da, men tia går fort. Nå må jeg finne ut hvor mye jeg skal ta for hvert kort....De tar jo tross alt litt tid å lage da....Kortsalg er nok ikke noe å bli rik på nei. Men gøy er det likevel :) Men før jeg kan gjøre det, må jeg finne ut av hvordan denne dingsen her fungerer...Skal nok gå greit. Er sikkert bare å plugge i kameraet....Tror jeg. Hvis ikke får jeg ta en sånn usb key dings greier og lagre det ned fra den andre PC'en.

See you! :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008


That was easy! So far, at least....the proof will be in the pudding. This is my first blog ever, and I thought it would be a whole lot harder than this to set it up. ...We'll see how it goes, but I'm off to a flying start!